V. Effects

This was originally thought under the assumption it may develop a cognitive ability and prepare someone for the sexual activities described elsewhere on this website, but like cuddles it's guessed there may be considerable value to it that does not need to be sexualized. Try it with your grandparents?

While no words are expected to be sent verbally or visually, it is questionable if advantages, if any, of this medium resemble those of written messages, or speaking and listening to someone in person with eye contact. As the speed of communication is restricted, it's guessed the OR may formulate a much more appropriate message to the RE. And no matter how a message may be formed, someone may have an audacity, will, strength, understanding, sympathy, or humility to communicate something with text instead of verbally. At the same time, there's backchanneling. The OR may also be questioned or interrupted at any moment from the RE.

And there may be advantages neither visual or audible mediums share, but with a similar demonstration a message is understood. Maybe with a bunch of practice, the OR would also know quickly their message is understood to at least a letter for letter rate. It's curious how this transcription may complicate or retard this reading comprehension. If they won't see anything, how may a message be visualized? If they won't hear spoken word, from themselves or someone else, what sounds may they bring to their consciousness? What would music do to their visions and communication if they can't use their eyes? What is the effect of unobstructed breathing on their behavior? How would the ways the Performer is allowed to and encouraged to react effect the Director's behavior during and after writing? How would the Performer interpret and react to the message as they get it this way?

I. Intro, basics, and definitions
II. Learning and refining
III. Physical ergonomics
IV. Backchanneling
VI. Content of discussion

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