V. Remi's backchanneling
I'd presume the accuracy and cooperation from Remi, as well as signals from their free hand, may communicate to Ola how Remi is understanding and accepting Ola's commands. I've thought the capacity to consent just to disuss these concepts is far higher than saying something like "this is complicated", "I'm tired" between two lovers, when trying to do any of this. It's been more difficult to put down a façade during sex in general. But if Remi does not give any backchanneling while taking or following orders, I'd guess it's Ola's responsibility to give Remi a vibe check.
Trying to not listen can be difficult, or any consciousness of a higher capacity may not even exist, like when someone is in their own home and is depending on someone else to pay the rent, someone is depending on their name in a will, discussions with a higher chain of command in any institution, or discussions involving an escort or sexworker; someone paid to be involved in any sexualized media. I'll hear words expressing a good time while seeing tears fall.
If this isn't an additional tragedy, I guess Remi would ripoff ASL or Protactile signs and put them against Ola for expressing certain feelings as Remi takes or follows instructions from Ola. Horizontal handstrokes negate in PT. Hopefully these may not be too vague to confuse with something like a hugging arm. STOP may be just a sideways chop. Remi's free fingernails brought together to make an arc, rocked one way or another, like ASL for TIRED may work. Stroked knuckes, like the feeling of knuckles moving across wrists with ASL's SORE, may work. A twisted prod of a straight finger, fingernail first, with a recoiled twist, resembles ASL's BORING. A drawn question mark or frownie are common PT signs. PAIN in ASL may feel like the sign for BORING, without recoil, but Remi's finger would be parallel, not square, to Ola's body. ENDURE may be Remi's thumb knuckle zigzagging, with their thumbnail following.
LICK and BUTTER are repeated strokes of two fingertips together. LICK feels like fingernails stroking one way, BUTTER feels like fingerprints stroking anotherway. Perhaps Remi would enjoy getting orders more if they didn't feel physically or mentally abrasive. OIL may just feel like a repeated slipping pinch between two fingerprints. HAIR may feel like a single pinch without a slip between two fingerprints and a thumbprint. But this may just express a discomfort with Remi's hair, without a homonym, as the same motion is made for NO and SHUT UP.
Then there's positive signs! Protactile smilies are common. Vertical strokes generally support someone articulating a message in PT. PATIENCE may be the same sign, but vertical. CONTINUE or CHRONIC may be Remi's thumbknuckle and nail tapping Ola's back at the same instant, I'd guess suggesting they're confident they could do this longer. YES in ASL feels like the central knuckles of Remi's middle and ring fingers rubbing up and down from their wrist. ASL's LOVE of a person may have a distinct touch of Remi's index, pinky, and thumb tips with the near terminal sections of their middle and ring finger laid across their partner. So two fingernails near parallel plus two fingerprints, plus a thumbprint. "to be a fan of" or INTENSE may feel like all four of the terminal sections of Remi's fingers, fingernail side, and their thumbprint or terminal thumbknuckle, all separated from eachother, moving up and down in sync or unison.
Humored responses in PT are like fingertips pluming in ASL's SWEDEN or OCTOPUS, octopying their funny boning. COMFORT may be similar, with Remi's lower palm stroking down as their fingertips catch up. A tap of two fingerprints together may be like something funny or just fun in ASL.
From a DeafBlind community, and a hearing a sighted community, a profound sympathy or empathy is a stern press, sometimes a slowly arcing amount of pressure.
Remi may check Ola's condition, or if their experiment was what they hoped for. A single fingerprint wiggling up and down, pressure peaking center stroke, may also express curiosity. YOU may just feel like a prod from the tip of Remi's straight finger and no other part of their hand. HOW may feel like the largest sections of their fingers, arranged like a punch, spinning, with their thumbprint orbiting their fist. In PT, "how are you?" is more like checking Ola's pulse at their wrist.
DOG, FUCK, MISSIONARY, CATTLE, and RODEO in ASL may all feel like distinct suggestions Remi would want to do something else. DOG may be both of Remi's thumbknuckles from one thumb with the meat below it, the tip of their index finger in line with the prior two knuckles, and their middle finger making a swish across their partner's body from their index finger to the bottom thumb knuckle. FUCK may feel like this thumb hitting their partner at the same instant as their index and middle fingerprints. MISSIONARY may be a similar feeling; the sign like PERFECT or ASSHOLE in ASL, or the common American gesture for ASSHOLE or OK, but a repetitive hitting sensation. That's the fingerprints of three fingers, the palm running from Remi's pinky around to their thumb, and their thumbnail and index fingernail. COW in ASL may feel like Remi's thumb holding back some pressure of their finger knuckles orbiting around their thumb, while their pinky fingernail makes a scratch with the same sweep. RODEO could feel like a repeated swirl from the upper section of Remi's index finger, correlated by their middle finger middle knuckle.
THAT in ASL is pretty much like DUDE in English. Yes, in all caps. Like the sign for COW but an equal amount of pressure from the thumb and pinky. And the whole hand makes a nodding motion from the wrist, not an orbiting motion. So three knuckles swishing down between two fingerprints making the same motion. Duuuuuude. DUDE. YOU KNOW IT. It could be good or bad. But a single smack that sticks, without a nod, may feel like IMPOSSIBLE.
II. Tongue location and pressure
III. Lip location and mouth pressure
IV. Outside and penetrating fingers