VI. Ola's backchanneling
All the prior expressions Remi may do, Ola may do too if they just stop. There's a following series of pattern and memory directions where Ola may have their hands free while receiving an oral, but not verbal, performance from Remi.
Remi may not need to do certain explicit vibe checks if Ola had their own backchanneling motions with their feet as they receive a performance. Ola's feet or legs moving up and down Remi's body, or in a motion parallel to or correlating with their spine or limbs, may suggest a positive reception. Their heels, legs, or knees squeezing Remi's head, neck, or torso, or moving from the sides of Remi's body to their spine, may suggest a negative reception. Perhaps any sideways pressure pushing at a near right angle into the center of Remi's torso, head, neck, hips or limbs, from the lower half of Ola's body, may not be a good sign.
II. Tongue location and pressure
III. Lip location and mouth pressure
IV. Outside and penetrating fingers